Monday, 17 January 2022

Happy Times 1959

 While G was at work this weekend I had a bit of a sort out, going through the plastic storage boxes we had brought with us and came across my Sister's wedding photos.  My Niece had popped this photo into our Christmas card. It's of me, aged 10, and my Brother, aged 5, on the big day.  My Brother was very upset when he had to hand back the hired outfit, he loved it so much!  A few years ago, on a visit to Scotland, he finally bought himself a hand made kilt with the jacket, sporran etc  After all we do have Scottish blood in our veins 😄

During the clear out I bundled up a box full of bubble wrap from the move and took it to the charity shop in the village to ask if they could use it.  They were very pleased to accept it.  Whilst I was there I enquired about my donated hand made cards as to whether they had had any interest from customers.  Yes, they had and, I quote, were "selling like hot cakes and almost gone" so I'll make another batch and pop them into the shop this week.  At around £1 each they should raise some useful funds for the Hospice as well as reducing my stash and making a bit of room.

During February my next challenge will be Sell And Save. I have found a few things which are just stored in a box and what is the point of that?  I might as well sell them and add to our emergency fund.  I'll decide on the target and details in time for the beginning of next month.

Meanwhile I will carry on with the shopping challenge.  Next food shop will be Asda on Wednesday when we have just under £30 max budget.....

Take care everyone 😘

Thanks for popping in and stay safe wherever in the world you happen to be x

Funds:  Nectar points Â£32.50/ spent £27.50

            Asda Gift Voucher Â£50 (G's gift from work)spent £20.38

            Boots Loyalty points Â£14.77/ spent £13.29

            Tesco coupon     Â£1.50  (found a bit tatty and neglected in my purse) spent

            G's Nectar points Â£7.50  

            Cash spent 82p


  1. I remember going to a conference in Austria, and on the Saturday evening, many women wore their traditional handmade costumes [like the Von Trapp family - but without the curtains] They said they were handmade, and very expensive, and for many, it became a matter of pride to keep the weight off, so you could get into your outfit twenty years later! My friends from India said that the great thing about saris is that they can always adjust to accommodate weight gain!

    1. In that case I think a sari would suit me much better! 😂

  2. It's wonderful looking back at old photos, something I fear will die out as very few people print their photos these days. They have hundreds stored on phones or the Cloud that can't be a accessed by other should any thing untoward happen.

    1. I agree Tania. Our son sent us lots of digital photos of our baby Grandson in Australia. When we moved 12 years ago our computer crashed and the back up didn't work so we lost the lot. I much prefer 'proper' prints.

  3. That's a lovely photo of you and your brother, I do love old snaps.

    Alan hired a kilt outfit for his nieces wedding a couple of years ago, as seemingly his own kilt was the 'wrong colour' ... I wonder if it was also a little on the tight side back then before he lost the weight he's since lost!! He was sad to hand that hired set back too.

    1. 'wrong colour' indeed 😂🤣😂 Actually, I bet Alan looks pretty good in a kilt!

  4. I use to make cards for our Hospice until I moved, they were always wanted. It's a lovely hobby and you do so much good for yourself and the Hospice..
    Hazel 🌈🌈🌈

    1. I find it very relaxing, Hazel, and raising money again will be a bonus.


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