Thursday 20 January 2022

Fancied bananas & got a bargain

 For some strange reason I woke up at 3.15am this morning with a dicky tummy 😓  I took some Buscopan and Paracetamol to try and settle the pain but struggled to get back to sleep for some time.  I finally awoke at 8.20am to brilliant sunshine and a very sharp frost. I did a lateral flow test, which was negative,  ate a bit of cereal with half a (tinned!) pear and a dollop of live yogurt then decided to have a walk in the fresh air in the village and join G at the allotment later.   I took my library book back and put my car through the carwash too.  Not being able to face lunch, I decided to buy a banana for later but had to pass the YS fruit and veg.  12p for potatoes, albeit wonky, and 17p for salad was too good to pass by.  The bananas cost 26p so a total of 55p cash spent.....

I noticed that the Sainsbury's magazine was half price @ £1.50 the last time we shopped there and I had a Nectar coupon for 26p which wouldn't scan at the smart shop checkout.  I tried it through a normal till point today and yes! I got my mag for £1.24...paid for from my pocket money of course 😁

Thanks for popping in and stay safe wherever in the world you happen to be x

Funds Nectar points £32.50 spent 

            Asda Gift Voucher £50 (G's gift from work)spent £20.38

            Boots Loyalty points £14.77/ spent £13.29

            Tesco coupon     £1.50  (found a bit tatty and neglected in my purse) spent

            G's Nectar points £7.50  spent

            Cash spent £3.27


  1. There's nothing better than getting a bargain! x

  2. How wonderful that you got such a great bargain.

    God bless.

    1. I was in the right place at the right time 😊x

  3. Brilliant bargains, I think we both firmly have our heads in gear for our Challenges now don't we :-)

    I'm putting no faith in lateral flow tests now after my son and his partner both tested themselves last week after feeling really poorly for a few days, both came back negative. So as Emma was so ill Simon rang 111 and was told the most recent lateral tests are giving false results and they should both go for a PCR test, which they did. Simon was still negative but Emma was positive.

  4. Yes, Sue, we are on the ball!

    Your comments regarding LFTs doesn't really surprise me. Our Granddaughter had what she thought to be a bad cold a few weeks ago but was so weak she was in bed for a few days. Her LFT was negative too but I had my suspicions because Covid was going through her school like wildfire 😳 I hope Emma and your son are feeling much better now x

  5. Excellent bargains! You are always aware of prices and prepared with pocket money. Hope your stomach is feeling better now.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie, I feel much better today :)

  6. Hope your stomach is better now. Bananas are supposed to be very good for an upset tummy. You found some excellent bargains! I no longer shop in person and really miss the opportunity to find those clearance bargains.

    1. Thank you, Bless, and yes, although it's lovely having shopping delivered (and we will again next month) you do miss out on the bargains.


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  Angie 💓 xx