Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Books & Boots

We needed some more lateral flow test kits (vain hope, I know) so I popped to the village.  There were none to be had anywhere, of course, but I am running out of toothpaste so gave Boots pharmacy a visit too. I also bought some antibac hand wipes which I left in the shed at the allotment, very handy for when we want to eat a sandwich after gardening there 😎

I spent points worth £5.93, leaving £1.48 That will be enough to buy 3 more boxes of paracetamol over the next couple of weeks and will save using the food budget.....

The library had no test kits either but I did spot the new Barbara Erskine book that I fancied as well as a very interesting looking Rosie Clarke.  I'm not familiar with the author but the book looks promising. Has anyone read it?

I tried to borrow a book called Broke Vegan  as well which had some tasty looking(cheap!) vegan recipes in it but, when I scanned it, the machine gave out the message that it was booked by another person 😔 so I couldn't borrow it. Drat....

Food shopping tomorrow which I'm quite looking forward to 😃

Thanks for popping in and stay safe wherever in the world you happen to be x

Funds:  Nectar points Â£32.50/ spent £2.50

            Asda Gift Voucher Â£50 (G's gift from work)spent £20.38

            Boots Loyalty points Â£14.77/ spent £13.29

            Tesco coupon     Â£1.50  (found a bit tatty and neglected in my purse) spent

            G's Nectar points Â£7.50  

            Cash spent 76p


  1. You can request LFT tests on the NHS covid website. They are free and delivered to you in 2 days. Hope this helps.

    1. Thanks so much su-zee, I've just ordered some. Thanks for your help! :)

  2. I find that I look forward to food shopping more when I'm doing a Challenge. There's something a lot more interesting about it when you have to think more about what you are buying instead of just lobbing things into the trolley.

  3. Thanks for reminding me I need to pick up another rapid test box here the next time I am shopping.

    God bless.

  4. Oops...just read the book title as Broke Virgin...not sure quite how that happened!! x

    1. 😂😂😂 Oh my goodness! That would make for great reading 😂😂😂


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