Sunday, 23 January 2022

A Productive Day

I've managed to get quite a lot done today. It started with a small sale on eBay last night. When I realised that the buyer lived just 10 minutes away I asked if she would like me to drop her purchase off at her home. I was driving that way anyway and it not only meant that she would get her item quicker than through the post, but that there would be no risk of it getting lost or damaged and it would save me £3 plus in postage too.  She was very happy for me to do that. She was a lovely lady and invited me to help myself from a box of veg and salad stuff she had just put out for Olio customers. I took some tomatoes and a bag of salad. Although past the best before date they both look perfectly good to eat...... 

I will use the tomatoes for grilling for breakfast tomorrow and the leaves will make a salad. I'm sure I've seen people use them in soups too? Any ideas? 

After lunch I spent a couple of hours finishing more cards for the Hospice CS. There are 28 so potentially £28 for the charity once sold..... 

Ready meals from the freezer now in the oven. That makes for an easy tea, then a bit of TV tonight. 📺☕😁

Thanks for popping in and stay safe wherever in the world you happen to be x

Funds Nectar points £32.50 spent 

            Asda Gift Voucher £50 (G's gift from work)spent £20.38

            Boots Loyalty points £14.77/ spent £13.29

            Tesco coupon     £1.50  (found a bit tatty and neglected in my purse) spent

            G's Nectar points £7.50  spent

            Cash spent £3.27


  1. I've added those leaves to soups and stir fries.

  2. Ooooh yes, stir fry...I hadn't thought of that, thank you 😊

  3. Did you make those cards? Pretty!

    1. Yes I did, Sandi, all elements cut with die cutter and by hand with the odd topper bought a while ago. Thank you for the compliment!

  4. The cards are lovely and adding the greens to a stir fry is a great idea.

    God bless.

  5. Yes, I either make leaves into soup or pesto, extremely tasty either way. Those cards are great, the hospice shop will do really well.

    1. Thanks, Sue, both for the tip and the compliment 🙂

  6. Your cards look wonderful and I know the charity shop will be so happy to receive them. Hope you enjoy the tomatoes and salad :)


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A new blog: Small Treasures Revived !

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