Thank you so much to everyone for your comments on my last post, especially to lee and Kate steeper who posted comments which could help vulnerable people to get a home delivery slot at some point. It was something I didn't already know and could potentially point a lot of needy people in the right direction, so a massive Thank You!
There have been unkind comments on social media regarding people being selfish in queuing at supermarkets and only coming out with a few items. Personally, I don't want to judge them. Perhaps they needed nappies or baby milk, both of which are rationed to 2 items in our area. The lockdown was announced just as people were coming to the end of the month too when money becomes tight just before payday. Perhaps they simply couldn't stockpile in the way many others did due to lack of cash. Will we next judge them for filling their trollies as much as they are able with payday now approaching? Many people simply don't have the cash available to shop as others see fit and do the best they can for their families. Our food banks are testament to that. And, of course, we all need fresh supplies of milk and fresh fruit and veg every couple of weeks.
In a world where we can be anything we choose...BE KIND
I'm sorry this post is a bit more downbeat than usual but it was something I just had to say out loud.
Tomorrow's post will be happier, I promise. Just a thought to make you smile before I sign off:
Take a look at my photo at the top and imagine how my hair will look by the time we can re-open the hair salons! I will look like the Dulux dog....lol.... How are you coping with your hair?
Stay well wherever in the world you happen to be x