Wednesday 18 January 2023

A Pub Lunch, Knitting and Snow

 We had a pub lunch yesterday with dear friends who we haven't seen since the beginning of September last year.   Joan and I met on our first day at high school when we were 11 or 12 years old and we've been friends ever since.  There was a lot of catching up to do!  I was shocked to see how her husband's sight has deteriorated but she looks after him very well.  Her nephew's funeral took place a couple of weeks ago and his mum has resumed her cancer treatment.  Praying for her recovery now.

My poor sister has had a fall now too.  She's 83 and made the mistake of going outside to the rubbish bin in the dark and fell, hitting her face in the process.  She was covered in blood from her nose and mouth and, of course, there was no-one to help her.  It really makes me fearful for the years ahead.  As if she hasn't already got enough on her plate......

Before Christmas I began knitting myself a chunky sweater.  I completed the back and then it kind of fell by the wayside with everything else going on.  Yesterday, I picked up the needles again and cast on the front section......

... it will take me an age to finish because I can only knit for a short time before my hands hurt too much.  I do love the random quality of the yarn 😊

Snow fell in the early hours this morning and it was white over when I opened the curtains at 8.30am.  It's warmed up a bit now and the snow is melting slowly.  We need to visit the allotment to cover the compost heap before rain washes away the nutrients in it, so I will return my library book at the same time.  If we go out at noon that will, hopefully, be the warmest part of the day, then we can nip to Sainsburys for some milk and a TV guide.  I don't want to do a big shop anywhere this week as we have plenty of food in and don't want to spend any cash.  With a Nectar point boost from previous offers I now have £7.50 worth of points left to spend so will try to get what I need with that. 

Thanks for popping in and stay safe wherever in the world you happen to be x 


Iceland vouchers (won) £100 /  £35.37 spent       
Morrisons voucher (G's gift from work) £50/ £50.00 spent
Nectar points  £15.00/ £7.50 spent
Boots points £7.28
Nestle voucher £5.00 £5.00 spent
Cash spent £0.02


  1. Your sweater is going to be lovely. That colour scheme will got with most everything.

    God bless.

  2. Getting older is scary, so easy to have a fall, I hope your sister recovers well and quickly. I have a half finished knitted jumper to get our and get made, sadly I have to look for it, I've tucked it away somewhere.

    1. Yes, Marlene, I really must get cracking on my sweater or summer will be here! Happy knitting :)
      Thanks so much for your good wishes for my sister she needs lots of positive vibes as I'm not close enough to visit her.

  3. Oh your poor sister, she must have been so scared and upset after that fall, it sounds dreadful. I know my slip on the ice before Christmas has really knocked my confidence, as well as hurting my ankle and knee, and I am avoiding going out walking at all at the moment with all this ice on the ground.
    Your spending is going brilliant well just 2p in cash spent and we are already on the third week of January, well done.

    1. My sister was really shaken up and as she is the carer for her disabled husband she was extra scared as he can't rise from the chair on his own let alone help her up from outside. I hope you've fully recovered from your own fall, Sue, it's so easily done.

  4. So sorry to hear about your sister's fall! I hope she didn't break or dislocate anything and is recovering well, especially since she is her husband's caregiver!
    You are doing so well with your grocery spending this month! I went over my budget, with today's shopping, but, I didn't increase my budget to accommodate my daughter being here for most of January, so I'm feeding two with the budget for one. I anticipated that I will go over budget by a bit - I hope to make it up in February.

    1. Thank you, Bless, my sister hit her face when she fell so her nose and mouth took the brunt of it....not nice..... she is very bruised poor soul but, thankfully, no broken bones.
      Gosh, it's tricky feeding an extra person for a whole month so well done on managing so far!


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  Angie 💓 xx