Friday 16 September 2022

A Celebration and a Roundup of the Week

 It seems to have been an absolute age since I last posted but my cold really drained my energy and I couldn't summon up the enthusiasm to write anything.  I do feel marginally better today apart from my head feeling as if it's full of cotton wool.

Last weekend our Granddaughter was 18 and had requested a family party with just a few friends from school and dance class.  It was lovely, a real mix of ages, and I saw a friend who I worked with in the past and whom I hadn't seen for 27 years! There was a lot of catching up to do.  The food was delicious but there was so much left at the end of the evening that had to be binned as it had been out of the fridge for too long.  Being me I managed to save some cake though!  It was boxed and frozen for another day and DD did the same thing too.  But the rest was such a waste of good food.

Later that week I had a very sad day watching the live funeral webcast of my great, great nephew who died aged 19 days.  He was a beautiful baby boy, born by C section, who had a congenital heart condition and nothing could be done to save him. The sight of his tiny basket was heartbreaking and I simply can't imagine how his parents must be feeling.  I feel devastated for them.

The rest of the time has flown by in a flurry of tidying the garden for Autumn & picking bits from the allotment.  We still have:  runner beans (few and far between) raspberries (lots and lots) cherry tomatoes, tons of sweetcorn cobs and Bramley apples.  We managed to get our Grandson up the stepladder to harvest the apples for us as we couldn't manage it.  He was like a monkey, even on the shed roof at one point! Talk about elf and safety 👀  We shared the apples around the family and with a lovely neighbour and I have been popping boxes of stewed apple in the newly defrosted freezer in the garage in readiness for Winter puddings.  Lots of green beans have been frozen too.  Later on we should have purple sprouting broccolli, salad crops of beetroot, spring onion and lettuce (frost permitting) and Christmas new potatoes.

I love this time of year.  G hates it but I was born in November and love battening down the hatches for Winter.

Stay safe everyone x


  1. We had pink balloons this week, ours's were '40' our baby daughter reached the milestone. How quickly they grow up.

  2. Happy belated birthday to your granddaughter and condolences to your family on the loss of the new baby. Sorry to hear that your cold lingered on and drained you so much; hope you continue to recover and feel better with every passing day.

  3. I can understand that... I was born in February so I like snow with sunshine please.
    All the best to you that your cold is finally going away.
    Viola sends you many greetings

    1. A snowy, yet sunny day is so lovely :) Thank you for your good wishes Viola x

  4. Happy news and such sad news I really feel for you, and for the poor parents.
    The cake that you managed to save looks lovely and well worth bringing home after the party.

    1. Thank you Sue.
      Yes, the cake was delicious even after being frozen and subsequently thawed out. Definitely too good to waste ;)

  5. I do hope that you are now properly recovering Angie. Not feeling well is so draining.
    My heart breaks for the parents of your great great nephew. Such very sad news.
    I love this season with all the produce treasures from the garden :-)

  6. So sorry to read of the loss of a much loved child. May you all be surrounded by love and peace at this sad time.


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It's OK.....

  Angie 💓 xx