I have begun a new blog: Small Treasures Revived. I can't work out how to put a link to it but clicking on 'my profile' should give you a pointer.
Please join me!
Angie x
I have begun a new blog: Small Treasures Revived. I can't work out how to put a link to it but clicking on 'my profile' should give you a pointer.
Please join me!
Angie x
.....I'm saying goodbye to blogging after today. There are a few reasons for this:
Firstly, our PC is playing up (again), then my tablet is so old that many things are not working properly on it, and my phone is so blimmin' fiddly and won't upload photos for some reason. Blogger is becoming a nightmare to use too, and a blog without photos is boring in the extreme.
I will still pop in to read other blogs when I can and will leave my blog up for a while before I delete it, so I won't disappear off the face of the earth 😃
Sincere thanks to all of you who have followed me for years. I wish you all health and happiness wherever in the world you happen to be and, above all, peace to live your life as you wish. Take great care of yourselves.
Lots of love
Angie xxx
From our dainty little cucumbers.....
I was offered a free birthday treat: a pack of M & S cookies using my Sparks Loyalty card via the App. I never turn down free food so snapped up these whilst running errands in town. A treat is always welcome 😊
Don't you love free food? 😀
See you tomorrow ❤️x
I have begun a new blog: Small Treasures Revived. I can't work out how to put a link to it but clicking on 'my profile' should ...