Friday 24 February 2023

No Longer a Danger & Frugal Update

 At long last I have been able to access my blog!  Norton no longer thinks I'm dangerous and has released me back into the community without my even lifting a finger.  I had absolutely no idea what to do with it anyway!

Thanks so much to everyone who commented on my last post with commiserations about my predicament.  I wanted to reply to you all but it was much too fiddly to do it on my phone and now it seems a bit late. So.... just...thank you.... 😊

Life has been pretty dull over the last month anyway so you have been spared my boring posts! 

Frugal things for February:

  1. We've still been eating from the fridge & 2 freezers to keep costs low this month and will have managed to save around £30 from this month's food budget.  I've cleaned out the kitchen freezer drawers and put the remaining stuff back.  At least now I can see what we have left in there and most of the bits and pieces have been used up and nothing wasted 👍 We have had just one online delivery in February and that was mainly for the bulky stuff which we struggle to carry these days.  I don't think we need to shop again until March and, in addition, there is still lots of fish in the garage freezer along with tubs of apple, broad beans and cabbage from last year's allotment harvest. Oh...and a frozen turkey from Christmas 👀
  2.  I have been writing menu plans each week, which has helped enormously.
  3. On the odd occasions we have ventured out I have prepared sandwiches, drinks and a snack to take with us.
  4. I have managed to dry 2 loads of washing on the line outside; the first since about last October.
I really hope that we will be able to get out more soon as the weather picks up.  Life seems to be slipping by with nothing more than chores and cooking to look forward to.  I really need to walk more and it wouldn't kill G to come with me.  However, it's raining again now so a walk tonight is out of the question.....

Take care everyone. Stay safe x


  1. Yes, weather can really put a damper on things. (No pun intended.) Good for you for cooking from your freezer. That's such a satisfying feeling, and it saves money. Glad you got everything sorted out with your blog.

  2. After having wonderful weather for most of the month, things turned extremely cold and now I am suffering from stuck in the houseitis. Glad that Norton decided you were no longer dangerous.

    God bless.

    1. Bad weather makes such a difference to our wellbeing doesn't it Jackie. I hope things improve for you soon.

  3. Good to read that Norton let you out!

  4. We changed from Norton a few years ago, they were doing the same thing with us, glad you are back.

    1. Thanks, Marlene, it's great to be let out at last!

  5. Nice to have you back ... although I am writing this from behind the sofa just in case you are still dangerous!!

    I think it's that time of year when it just feels like we do the same thing day in day out, and then go to bed and do it all again. I need to watch Groundhog Day again just to reassure myself that it could be marginally worse.

    1. Haha ! I'm safe now I promise ! ;)
      Yes, Sue, every day seems the same apart from the daily problems which are different each time. Roll on Spring, I say.

  6. Glad to have you back and that you are no longer on Nortons danger list!! Very strange but at least sorted now :-)

  7. Glad to have you posting again. Sounds like you did well with your grocery budget in February!


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It's OK.....

  Angie 💓 xx