Saturday, 12 January 2019

An Expensive Time of Year

This is an expensive time of year. At the very end of December we have to pay site fees as well as  rates, water & sewerage charges to the park owner. These alone add up to £2,500.  In addition, the home insurance is due next week.  The renewal premium has gone up by 10% this time so I tried to find a cheaper policy elsewhere to no avail, so I rang the company and politely asked if there could be any movement on price.  Straight away they offered me a £10 loyalty discount which I accepted.  We always pay in full to avoid interest charges so that's it... sorted for another 12 months. The moral of the tale is just ask!  The TV license was due at the end of December too and, although it had increased to £150.50 I think it's a reasonable price for a year's viewing (assuming we can find something interesting to watch that is )

The 2018 account book has now been written up and the figures tallied. There is a small surplus which will be carried over and if we are careful this year I don't think we need to increase the weekly/monthly sum we put away.  The budget for 2019 has been set at the same amount which is a bit of a blessing at the moment what with buying the new bed and paying for G's osteopathy massages.

He had to visit the Osteopath on Thursday to try to relieve pain in his shoulder this time.  She pointed out that he has lost a lot of muscle tone on the left side; in his shoulder, upper arm, and it even shows in his face.  The left side is much thinner in the cheeks than the right. Last night poor G was awake again by 4am.  He's gone to work but is really tired. I really don't know what's to be done.

With G at work I had a leisurely morning. A bit of housework was done, then I spent a heavenly couple of hours crafting toppers to sell. It's now 3pm and the light is failing fast so I'll pack up and do a bit of shopping.  I only need bread and something tempting for G when he comes home at 6.30pm.  There's £5 left in the food budget and the family are not visiting today so perhaps omelettes or fish . There might be some YS available....who knows...

Anyway, stay safe everyone and have a super weekend.  Thanks so much for popping in x


  1. A lot of the big bills are due here, too. I just paid my water bill for the year, and next month will pay the second half of the property taxes. My home insurance is due next month, too, but the price is pretty reasonable. Enjoy your crafting...

  2. April seems to be a big bill month for us but I will certainly remember your advice and ask if there is any movement. Here's hoping that you will get lucky with some reductions/YS for your meal so your money will go further.

  3. That is a large bill to pay all at once. I'm a firm believer in if you don't ask you won't get. I recently phoned a company asking for I discount code because I couldn't find one. They gave me one.

  4. Money, money money, its a curse isn't it. Trying to make ends meet all the time. We are lucky as we get the tv license free at out age, although as you say there isn't much on there anyway.

  5. I once (some years ago) had to do an NVQ assessment of a student in the an insurance and management office that specialised in Park Homes and was amazed at the high charges even then. Sort of understood as it was in a high flood risk area but thought some of it was a bit over priced.

  6. May I mention something to help with shoulder pain? Check out (usa blog) She has a post and video that shows how to sleep with pillows to stop pain in a frozen shoulder - or any shoulder pain. It is her Sept 7, 2018 post called: "Ask Jo: My Shoulder". I have used the pillow therapy just for simple shoulder pain and it does help!


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A new blog: Small Treasures Revived !

I have begun a new blog: Small Treasures Revived.  I can't work out how to put a link to it but clicking on 'my profile' should ...