Sunday 2 December 2018

Busy, Busy, Busy

Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post, it's much appreciated.

One week on and we have had a very busy week.  G's NHS letter was, indeed an appointment; January 4th 2019 !  DD suggested we ring the hospital and ask if they have a waiting list for cancellations which G could join.  After making 4 fruitless attempts to ring the number on the letter, being put through to the wrong department each time, I got a strop on and made the executive decision to get in the car and drive to the hospital (local luckily) to get the correct phone number from reception.  Guess what?  They couldn't find it either, but we were exceptionally lucky to find the consultant's secretary was in the office and she very kindly came to speak to me.  They don't have a cancellation list but she suggested we call them periodically on the off chance.  Both the ladies we spoke to were pleasant, sympathetic and helpful.  I couldn't believe our luck when that very afternoon the secretary rang G to offer him an appointment 2 days later, on Wednesday! 

I went with him to the appointment and the consultant has decided that he will try injecting an anaesthetic into the neck muscle first to see if it helps.  If so they will know they have the correct place to inject Botox into.  It will be a long winded process as we now have to await a letter for the next stage and then another for the third stage and so on.  At the moment I'm sleeping on the floor in the spare room in a sleeping bag so that we can both get some sleep (we only have a double bed in our usual room) so I can't wait to get the problem resolved.  I can get on the floor to sleep but getting back up in a morning at the age of 69 is a bit problematic to say the  :/ I don't know how much longer I can do it for.....

Meanwhile, G is paying for Osteopathy every couple of weeks because it helps his neck and shoulder pain to keep it mobile.  He has been diagnosed with Torticollis and he asked the Osteopath if she had any idea what could have caused it. She says it could be caused by an infection or a virus and asked if he had had any dental problems.  Remember the year long trauma between having an extraction and then an operation to complete the job properly?  I rest my case..... Grrr…..
Now...we need to watch the post carefully for the next letter.....
Have any of you had any experience with Cervical Torticollis?  Any tips on coping please?
Today has been spent cleaning the house, putting up a few decorations (we never have a tree indoors these days) and a bit of crafting in preparation for the last craft fair of the year next Saturday.  Now it's time to prepare our supper and settle down to watch Dr Who and I'm A Celebrity with a nice glass of red wine in my hand :)  Any one else watching either prog?
Stay safe everyone and thanks so much for popping in x



  1. Oh no, it can't be at all comfortable sleeping on the floor, poor you :(

    We watch Dr Who....I like the new Doctor, but the whole series is now very politically correct, isn't it? Puts me off a bit, I kind of feel like we're being lectured every week.

  2. I don't envy you sleeping on the floor you poor thing. I suppose the bonus is you are at least getting some sleep. How good to get an earlier appointment, hopefully it will help.

  3. We watch it here in the US too. Being British I have watched it from the very beginning. I have to agree with Sooze though and hope it changes a bit or I may quit watching.

  4. I have what we call Dystonia in my eyes. It is the same as what your husband has. I have had it for 14 years. My treatment is Botox injections every twelve weeks. It works well. I also have the tremors that go along with torticollis. I have the symptoms in my neck also, but also have osteoarthritis in my neck. I tried Botox but decided to see if Physiotherapy would help. Yes the exercises and heat my neck do help as do they for your husband. But as your husband I need to go every week. My osteopath does dry needling on my neck. That too helps. Will I ever go back to Botox injections in my neck? I will have to see how treatment goes. I have been in treatment since April for the neck. By the way, he could also have been born with it as per what my neurologist told me. I wish you well and will continue to read your account. Blessings from Canada

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience Jean. I do so wish you well too. God bless x

  5. I've just looked up torticollis and it sounds awful, no wonder you are both struggling. I hope you get sorted soon so you can get back in a comfy bed.

  6. How dreadful...having to sleep on the floor.
    It was good that your husband got an earlier appointment.

    I don't watch either programme I'm afraid. I think the last time I watched Dr Who I was still at school and I'm A Celebrity just makes me feel sick when they have to eat all the nasty things.

    Wishing you lots of luck with the craft fair.

  7. If you live in Hampshire I have a blow up mattress you could borrow, I can drive it to you, it is so important you sleep, my email is I have to catch up with Doctor Who, they are recorded, I love Jodi as the doctor.

    1. Marlene, you are so very kind. I have emailed you x


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  Angie 💓 xx