Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Hugs Are Essential

I have always believed that we should express our love for our family as often as possible.  My OH is an only child and came from a background of  good parents but ones who never expressed their love with hugs or words, very unlike my own parents.  His mother found my need for hugs very strange but I always hugged my own children and still tell them I love them even though they are in their 40's.  My GD is 11 yrs old and last weekend went on a school trip, staying from Friday to Monday at an activity centre. At the last minute she really didn't want to go as she hates sleeping away from home.  When she returned on Monday I rang to ask how it went and she said she had actually enjoyed the activities very much and the nights were ok because the children were allowed to take one item from home with them and she had chosen a cushion I bought for her last birthday with the words:

Borrowed from Google
written on the front.  This is something we text to each other and say when we hug as she is going home :)  She said she slept cuddled up to it each night and it helped because it smells of me....
Aw (sob) I feel vindicated....
I still hug my 'baby' brother who is 62 and an ex-cop! How do you feel? Are hugs great at any age?
Anyway, have a hug from me now << >>
Take care x


  1. What a lovely GD! I'm very huggy and demonstrative, and I too come from a non-huggy family. Strangely, as my mother has aged (she's now in her late 70s) she's now taken to hugging us and saying 'I love you'. Even more strangely, my late MIL dished out hugs and 'love you's' extremely freely, without any great feeling or emotion behind it, it was almost as if she did it mechanically because she thought she should.

    1. How strange... in my view you can't beat a genuine hug so keep hugging Sooze!

  2. Hugs are very important to my well being.
    I recall being in a cold foreign town completely on my own and feeling desperate for a hug; instead I bought a bottle of Rescue Remedy to take the edge off.

    1. You can feel so alone in a crowd too sometimes, HV

  3. Yes we are very expressive, unfortunately my mother never did or does express any feelings, which I think is very sad. x

  4. I hug, everyone and anyone! But my parents were not great hungers, there seems to be a pattern emerging here with other comments xxxx

  5. Absolutely, my parents shut my 3 older sisters and I out of any affection it was all given to the youngest one who despite that has grown into a very nasty person. I went over board with love and hugs with my 3, they're 50, 48 and 44 this year and any communication is ended telling them I love then and I get it back. My 8 grandchildren know without a doubt Nannan loves the bones of them, they all find it amusing that now I'm the one standing on tip toes to hugs them. Like you I want my family to remember the love we shared, it's important. Xx

  6. Oh, Peg, your comment brought a lump to my throat. You have it exactly right, I reckon xx


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